Or readers if I'm thinking positively. :P
For the .25 I was using as a BUG, I didn't bother with hollowpoints. The .25ACP is weak enough I knew I probably wouldn't get adequate penetration with hollowpoints, and I was confident that I wouldn't have to worry about overpenetration with FMJ rounds.
Assuming I can actually find any, what would you recommend for my new .380 - FMJ or hollowpoints?
Everybody's Memeing for the Weekend...
2 hours ago
Look into the following:
Cor-Bon +P JHP 90 grain
Federal "Hydra-Shok" JHP 90 grain
Federal JHP 90 grain
Winchester "Silvertip" JHP 85 grain
CCI JHP 88 grain
Remington JHP 88 grain
Penetration of the .380 ACP ranges from 8 to 10 inches.
Speer Gold dots in my P3AT, boss.
They've got a line out for short-barreled guns - IIRC, it's a faster burning powder to maximize the velocity...
It looks like the consensus so far is hollowpoints over ball. Jay, I'll definitely look into the Speer Gold Dots, that sounds like a good thing.
Of course, that assumes I can find any .380 at all. It seems like right now the real answer is "whatever you can get."
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